A special thanks to Dan Bodenstein who is matching me dollar for dollar on the SPCA donations that I am giving. Not only that, but whatever that total becomes, he will also give to the ASPCA. I am very glad to be associated with him and if you have yet to look at the beautiful animal photos he has taken, you will find them at http://www.naturocity.com/.
If you sometimes notice that you get duplicate team messages, it is not the fault of the sender - it appears to be a glich in the Kiva system so please bear that in mind. Also, if anyone has specific questions, please e-mail me separately at moonfish@eastlink.ca. I don’t think this will be a problem anymore, but we did have one member here who was abusing the team (the woof woof message) - so God forbid, if anyone feels abused by anyone, please save your files and contact me and I will review the complaint. That member has been deleted from the team. That’s the only problem I have had and I am really glad that the team has grown as well as it has and that we have made a positive impact to Kiva.
There seems to be around 230 loans available at the moment but fear, as is common place these days, that once these loans are funded - we will be back to scrambling to fund the few loans that will be available. We just need to be patient till all the credit that Kiva released is used up. I anticipate that to be around the beginning of next year.
Here’s the funny video that I found at Kiva Friends:
That’s all for now … Thanks.
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