Monday, October 20, 2008

Little Rupert

When I was in Michigan this past week, my niece sent me this article. Its a real life Bambi story of a fawn that was saved after her mother was tragically killed by a car. It's sad, yet heart warming.

I thought I'd share it with you all.

The Story of Little Rupert


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Blog is now associated with Twitter

Our updates will now be sent out by Twitter and if you don’t have a twitter account, why not get one. Easy to get and free at

And don’t forget - It’s election day here in Canada - go out and vote !!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Animal Lovers Community Forum

Told you there would be more and better features. We now have a place to hangout, post and chat with each other. Please go to this link Animal Lovers (which is at the Big Zoo at Yuku).

There might be a few kinks to work out at the beginning - if you notice any, please let me know - also, if you find that you are having trouble getting signed up, here's my e-mail:



Friday, October 10, 2008

Nice Video from the Muppets !!!

The 1st link is from the Muppets and the 2nd link is where you can find some of my videos at Youtube.

Exciting Things Ahead for This Team and This Blog

Things have greatly improved - our Kiva team is doing really well and this blog is getting better each day. Some of the things we have achieved:

Our team is one to be reckoned with - we have lent almost $17,000 to Kiva and that is a good thing. Because Kiva has introduced a Team System, by it’s very human nature, that makes a competitive environment and as long as it's friendly, everyone can benefit.

We have some nice music videos with photos of animals here. See the previous post for wolves and dolphins.

We have linked to Naturocity and there you will find some heart-warming animal stories.

There was a chance to win some money on a Canada Super 7 ticket - 3 people have a chance to win some major money tonight - Good Luck !!!

Did you know you can have your own pet photos posted here and heck, we’ll even let you brag about them … a little. Just send me the photo and the write-up and I’ll post it or you can ask me for the ability to post directly yourself.

And we hope to run our Zoo Contest which will have some neat small prizes for everyone. Again, see a previous posts.

We expect more improvements as the weeks go by.

I would suggest, if you find this blog interesting and would like to be aware of all that goes on here - you might want to use the “Follow this Blog” option found on the right hand-side of this page. Or bookmark us. Because all members of our Kiva team may not be interested in what goes on here at this blog, you can’t rely on being notified by our Team Messages. The best way not to miss anything is to follow this blog. And we hope you do.

Have a Great Weekend !!!

Oct 10th - Update and New Info

We are now 138 members who have made 611 loans that total $16.625. So much for my earlier prediction - we are going to far surpass it !!!

I am now at Face book (Mark Goodwin, Halifax) and also broadcasting on Youtube as ZutVideo at . Some of the videos there on my play list will be animal related, some are Anit-War and some are just great music videos or funny ones.

As many of you may know Canada should feel ashamed for the seal hunt we allow. I will soon be giving to their protection with donations but I am waiting until Dan and I finish the campaign for the SPCA and the ASPCA first. Go to these 2 links for full details:

That’s about it for now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tangerine Dream - Dolphin Dance

Team Update and Predications

Today we are 130 members who have made 418 loans totalling $14,825.00.

I’m going to stretch my neck out here and make some predictions. By the end of October, I believe our membership will be just shy of 200 members and the value of the loans we will have funded will be over $17,500.

Looking to the end of the year - I’d say we will be 300 members and our loan total will be over $22,000

Anyone else brave enough to make a predication - if so, e-mail me and I will do up a Member’s Predict posting when I have several submitted to me.

Also, please see the 2 articles that Dan is responsible for (just after the one about the contest).

Everyone have themselves a nice day !!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Contest - World’s Largest Zoo (and no one loses)

So far, I have received a request from 2 persons who want to take part in the contest. Where are the rest of you - I need at least 5 people - would prefer 10.

Everyone who participates will receive something just for taking part.

I am looking at having the contest in 2 phases.
Phase One - those playing will be sent a Visitor’s Pass and get a list of all animals in the zoo. By following the clues, they will be able to whittle the list down to about 50 animals.
Then comes Phase Two - the animals that are left will be all given a name (without saying what species they are - this protects those who followed the first set of clues correctly) and again, follow the clues to find the one who talks.
This is a semi-ambitious project and anyone who would like to offer a suggestion is most welcome to e-mail me.

I know it will be fun for me to do it up and believe it will be fun for others as well. The prizes (depending on how many sign-up) will be:

1st Prize - 2 (not 1 as before) chances to tell me what type of loans you want funded (minor restrictions will apply).
2nd Prize - same as above but 1 chance
3rd, 4th and 5th - a chance to win 10 % on a specific Canada 6/49 Lotto ticket which I will buy.

All participants (including prize winners) will get 5 % of any winnings I get on a specific Super 7 Lotto ticket which I will buy.

These 2 lottos here in Canada always have a jackpot in excess of $1 Million so don’t pooh pooh the 5 % offering - 5 % of a million is $50,000 - not shabby.

Oh, and by the way, there is no entry fee.

Why Animals Are So Important And Why The Authors Here Give To The SPCA

Your Team Loans to Kiva are important - not only to the poor business men and women you lend to but Dan and I are throwing in some coins to the SPCA for each of those loans that you advise me of (and please do that by private e-mail instead of a team message).

Dan sent me a link to a story which is not easy to take so be forewarned. It shows the stupidity of man and the importance as well as the plight of animals in a war zone. Perhaps, when Dan and I do make those donations thanks to you and your loans, we can allocate the money to a specific cause such as the one mentioned in this article.

Here’s the link:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Beautiful Fairwell

Today I was honored to witness a friend released to the sea. Eartha the sea turtle, who I met back in June, was released to the ocean today in a great ceremony. She was being cared for at the Marinelife center in Juno Beach Florida. There were many spectators, including the local media. I have been following Eartha's story for a while and was glad I was able to be there for her release.

I will post a full story about her on my blog in the near future. I just wanted to share this moment with some fellow animal lovers.

Visit my Gallery for more photos of the release.

Dan B.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some New Features ....

In an attempt to get some more activity going between Animal Lovers, I have introduced a free chance at one of Canada’s lotteries (see previous post).

Also, a contest which will offer as a prize - a Kiva loan from me but based on the choice of the winner (some minor restrictions will apply).
The World's Largest Zoo contest will unravel in the form of general clues - an example would be that the animal comes from Africa. And there will be special clues - those that are able to solve some puzzles, will be mailed extra clues.
Note: The clues will only be avaiable at this blog - they will not be mailed as a Team Message because some Team Members will not want to be part of this contest. More details to be released latter.

Friday, October 3, 2008

How Many Animal Lovers Want A Free Chance To Win On Canada’s Super 7 Lottery ?

Here’s the deal - I buy the ticket and you get a chance to win 25 % of any winnings I get that are over $100. This will be for 1 draw only - the Super 7 Lotto for October 10, 2008. You need to be a member of the Animal Lovers team and then all you need to do is send me an e-mail and say “Howdy” - or, you can sign up as a follower of this blog (see the right-hand side of this page). Deadline to do either is 8 PM ADT Thursday, Oct 9, 2008.

Shortly after you do that, I will tell you want your 7 numbers are and you then just sit tight until Oct 10th and maybe pray that I get lucky with those numbers because that means you get lucky too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Update, Important Information and a Funny Video

Jane and I were away to Prince Edward Island for 3 days and what a change - 116 members who have made 487 loans totalling $13,375.00.

A special thanks to Dan Bodenstein who is matching me dollar for dollar on the SPCA donations that I am giving. Not only that, but whatever that total becomes, he will also give to the ASPCA. I am very glad to be associated with him and if you have yet to look at the beautiful animal photos he has taken, you will find them at

If you sometimes notice that you get duplicate team messages, it is not the fault of the sender - it appears to be a glich in the Kiva system so please bear that in mind. Also, if anyone has specific questions, please e-mail me separately at I don’t think this will be a problem anymore, but we did have one member here who was abusing the team (the woof woof message) - so God forbid, if anyone feels abused by anyone, please save your files and contact me and I will review the complaint. That member has been deleted from the team. That’s the only problem I have had and I am really glad that the team has grown as well as it has and that we have made a positive impact to Kiva.

There seems to be around 230 loans available at the moment but fear, as is common place these days, that once these loans are funded - we will be back to scrambling to fund the few loans that will be available. We just need to be patient till all the credit that Kiva released is used up. I anticipate that to be around the beginning of next year.

Here’s the funny video that I found at Kiva Friends:
That’s all for now … Thanks.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Kiva Loan Equals a $2 Donation to the SPCA

Every team member of Animal Lovers who makes a Kiva loan that is credited to our team, will cause me to donate $2 to the SPCA here in Canada.

What you need to do is make the loan and then e-mail me to tell me who you lent to. I will then verify it at the Animal Lovers Team Lender’s Page. It’s that simple.
We already have 4 participants and $8 in the SPCA can.

Offer expires Oct 31, 2008 - one donation made per qualified member and limited to the first 25 participants.
Lakota, Kota for short, was adopted at SAD SAC (Save a Dog, Save a Cat) just about a year ago. He was the last of the litter, and no one wanted him. We think its because of his mustache. We decided to foster him and within a day, we decided to keep him. He suffers from separation anxiety still to this day. When my wife leaves the room for an extended period of time, he calls out to her with a meow that sounds like "Mom!"

Chad was adopted from a video store just after the 2000 election here in the US. We named him Chad after the whole Hanging Chad debate.

He is the alpha of the house and lets it be known. Where ever you want to sit, he wants to sit. He loves having a lint roller rolled on his neck and face, and has a bad habit of finding adhesive tape to lick.

Tink has been with my wife longer than I have, over 12 years. She is petite, and a princess and she knows it.
She also has a loose lens in one of her eyes that makes it look like a marble. She is often picked on by the boys, be does her best to stand her ground.
Going outside is a treat for her, and when she is returned to the indoors, she yells to go back outside. Like I said, a princess.

My wife and I frequent many of the preserves and sanctuaries in the South Florida area, including some wetlands, the Panther Ridge Sanctuary, The Loggerhead Marinelife center, and the Busch wildlife center. You can see some photos on my blog or on my Flickr page listed below.

DonellaJKS says:

(Dharma and Deacon)
My husband and I have 2 dogs, Dharma and Deacon. They are both boxer mixes. Dharma looks like one, being a brindle female at 73 lbs. She is 5 years old. But Deacon looks for all the world like a black lab, tho his mother was a boxer. He is 80+ lbs at 10 months old.

Dan in Florida says:


My wife and I have 4 cats, 2 were adopted from "Save a dog, Save a Cat" because no one wanted them.

Mauli - is a femail who was probably abused, as she does not like human contact. Lakota (Kota for short) has half a black mustache and we think people did not want him because of it, their loss. He is my pal, and a riot!

We have 2 other, Chadwick bin Rotten (Chadwick), and Tink.

We both love animals, and I recently started a photography blog to augment my flickr account. and

Glad to be here, glad to help out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

All Kiva Team Members of Animal Lovers

This blog is for anyone who is a member of the team Animal Lovers. Please feel free to use this site to upload photos of your animals along with information and stories realting to them.
In order to access this feature, you will need to send me your e-mail and I will reply giving you permission to write in this blog.

Have Fun
